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My neighbors came to visit! The Watts family blessed my studio with the sweetest family session. I loved getting to highlight the relationship between each one of them, whether that be brothers, mother and son, father and son, or soul mates; every combination was perfection and I loved getting to spend some time with them.

Life gets busy! Kiddos grow up, respobsiliblities get in the way, college, todos, jobs...before you know it, the years have gone by. One great way to stay grounded through all of the craziness is to keep your loved ones close. That's why I love these sessions! When I look at my own family photos, it's a great reminder to me of why I do what I do every day.

More than ever, the Watts family is standing close together as Cindy enters her "fighting era". I can't think of a stronger warrior. I also heard that today is her birthday?! We're praying and rooting for you, pretty lady, and I know your boys are too!

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