Is there any greater childhood memory than running barefoot through the cool grass on a hot July evening? Why not take that feeling and turn it into a photo session?
On the eve of Independence Day, that's exactly what this sweet family did.
How can you pick a favorite? The innocence of these sisters, the glowing sunset, the modeling dogs...
Although a difficult task, I gotta say I was most tickled by the fact that at the beginning of the session, I was given the typical Grandpa limit of one photograph. Sounds like a difficult task, but when he stood next to his beautiful wife, daughter, or granddaughters, he was absolutely beaming and the whole "no more pictures" attitude went out the door. Through each stage of life, us girls need that kind of love. And it's clear that Ellie Jo and Emily have that in this family.
It was an absolute blast spending this summer night with you all. Adorable doesn't begin to describe it! Every time I look at these images, I'm going to be able to see the lighting bugs and hear the fireworks...